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Prof. Dr. Fabian Grusdt, Legally: Dr. Bohrdt, geb. Grusdt. Professor. Contact. Theresienstr. 37. D-80333 Munich Room A402. Phone: +49 (0)89/2180-4107
Es fehlt: q= https://
Name, Title, Phone, Email. Grusdt, Legally: Dr. Bohrdt, geb. Grusdt, Fabian, Prof. Dr. +49 (0)89/2180-4107, fabian.grusdt@physik.uni-muenchen.de.
Es fehlt: url? q= https://
Professor of Physics, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München (LMU) - ‪‪Cited by 6003‬‬ - ‪Strongly correlated fermions‬ - ‪Topological order and FQHE‬ ...
Es fehlt: url? q= https:// theorie. lsschollwoeck/ members/ html
Prof. Dr. Fabian Grusdt ... Looking at strongly correlated quantum systems in microscopic detail is like taking a look at a new corner of the universe and staring ...
Es fehlt: theorie. lsschollwoeck/ index.
Prof. Dr. Fabian Bohrdt. Quantum many-body theory. Faculty of Physics. Quantum many-body theory. Office address: Theresienstr. 37. Room A410. 80333 München.
Es fehlt: q= https:// theorie. lsschollwoeck/ members/ grusdt- index.
for Bachelor / Master / PhD / Postdocs will be posted on this website! Current members: Prof. Dr. Fabian Grusdt (PI). Fabian.GrusdtATphysik.uni-muenchen.de.
Es fehlt: q= https:// theorie. lsschollwoeck/ bohrdt/ index. html
Es fehlt: url? https:// theorie. muenchen. lsschollwoeck/ members/ professors/
Fabian Grusdt standing in front of a blackboard filled with formulas. Fabian Grusdt. Quantum Many-Body Theory. Research website. LMU_logo_klein ...
Es fehlt: theorie. uni- lsschollwoeck/ index. html
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